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Updated: Jan 4, 2023

11 Gauge x 4" SNARECOIL™ Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle Economy Tray (no aspiration needle included)


Without Ranfac, I would have failed. Failed to change a process that was affecting women negatively all around the world. Ranfacʼs COO, Barry Zimble, knew the importance of this. He knew the initial process as they were already working in this space, he could use the names of the original inventors but he understood the importance of changing the manufacturing. It was their deep experience in this field that was a really important reason to go for Ranfac. Bringing a new device is a journey and it is not a straight line, you canʼt plan everything and have it all to fall in line. It is a very bumpy process, and Ranfac really was there for us with every one of these bumps. They really stuck with us and were very creative with the solution to get us back on track. We kept throwing curveballs at them and they were incredibly resilient.
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CEO, Health Beacons (Acquired by Hologic)
Ranfac has supplied my company for over twenty years. We have developed a number of new products together and overcame many manufacturing and supplier issues over the years. It was always teamwork to resolve whatever challenge we incurred - no finger pointing or negotiation. It is so refreshing to share open discussions with the Ranfac team to provide quality solutions to our customers. Of course, Ranfac CO ,Barry Zimble, was always actively involved as the quarterback for the Ranfac team. He's always been realistic, pragmatic and candid as we worked through our challenges. His integrity is beyond reproach. If he commits his team to a goal, you can count on them.Over the years, Ranfac has continually re-invested in their equipment, facilities and their people. When I chose Ranfac as our primary supplier, it was one of the best business decisions that I ever made.
CEO/ Owner ProAct, Ltd.


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